19 - Blue Diamond Road

Johnny Sands moved from Nashville to Las Vegas, Nevada in order to jump start his country music career. On the night of January 29, 1976, he was on his way home when he had a chance encounter with a pair of "enigmatic entities."  This encounter led to an even stranger encounter with a pair of men who may have been the infamous men in black. Grab your guitar and strum along to this fascinating tale of alien contact.



Firelight (1964 Film) - Wikipedia 


Kurt Vonnegut Museum & Library Store 


“15 Things You May Not Know About Close Encounters of the Third Kind”

By Sean Hutchinson - Mental Floss


What are the contents of the Golden Record - JPL 


An Interview with Johnny Sands by Brent Raynes - Mysterious America


"The Johnny Sands Case" - A.P.R.O. Bulletin - NUFOURS  



"Thoughtput" by Blue Dot Sessions (sessions.blue)

"On Early Light" by Blue Dot Sessions (sessions.blue

"Cash Cow" by Blue Dot Sessions (sessions.blue)

"Lights Out" by Blue Dot Sessions (sessions.blue)

"OneEightFour" by Blue Dot Sessions (sessions.blue

"Blue Diamond Encounter by Johnny Sands 


Theme Songs by Big Cats

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